Webfolio Comments
May 10, 1999
<Carol> Teaching 3 students at a time wasn't difficult but a whole class may be. I'd use a template first.
<Carol> I think this project is a real success but like I said you should start early in the year so students will lots of stuff to display
<val> I just want to share, I think the students had immediate feedback when they had chat time with each other. This made it quick and easy to find out each others thoughts
<KChan> Great job. Both you and your students did a great job...their works prove it.
<Roy> The student who did his page on his pig hunting experience did a great job
<Margaret> In a way, it would perhaps also give other students the gumption to finish assignment, to react to an assignment, to have a "map" as to what the assignment is about based on viewing other student's works
<Roy> Well, Webfolio group, you made me excited about using webpages for our
students. Thanks for your great job
<JoAnnI> Thank you for sharing your experiences and info! Kids did a great job!
<Roy> Can you see the potential for this technology? Students can post videos/voice information for their peers and parents to see their class work
<Margaret> This was a great way to get the kids to feel proud about their work and lives (ie. Boar Hunting, Family Pictures)